
Risk of Having Large Sized Breasts

Some women long to have extra-large breasts to increase self-confidence. But don't be mistaken, having extra sized breasts can actually cause problems.

There are some parties who associate the relationship between chest size that is too large with health complaints. This is especially true for women who wear a bra wrong, but not according to the size of the actual breast.

The size of the breast that is considered extra large is that has a weight of more than half a kilo per breast according to the Shnur scale. Such large breasts are known as macromastia. Meanwhile, the larger breast size of macromastia in the medical world is commonly known as gigantomastia. Breasts that experience gigantomastia experience an increase of up to 1 kg more per breast.

Breast enlargement usually occurs during puberty, after childbirth, along with weight gain, and at menopause. For extra-large size, it is usually caused by more adipose fat growth than the mammary glands. Other conditions that can cause macromastia are genetic, postcasectomy, and post asymmetric lumpectomy.

Some Health Problems Related to Breasts

The health problems below are often associated with breast size that is too large.

Back and neck pain

The size of the breast that is too large makes the chest bear a heavier burden too. If this is not properly supported by the surrounding muscles, some health problems may arise, such as severe back pain, spinal deformation, and difficulty maintaining good posture. In addition, neck pain can also occur.

The owners of large breasts also often feel insecure. They often hide their breasts by bending forward. This will probably aggravate pre-existing back pain. In addition to back pain, owners of large breasts are also often constrained by bra straps and feel uncomfortable while on the move because their movements become limited.

Other medical conditions

In addition, breast size that is too large is also associated with numbness in the fingers and pain in the chest wall. Women with extra breast size often experience shortness of breath.

Other health problems that can arise due to excessive breast size are headaches and migraines. Women with extra breasts can also experience sleep disturbances, sleep apnea, rashes under the breasts or between breasts and under the lines of bra straps. Another disorder that can arise is the difficulty of an extra-large breasted woman in physical activity.

Although doctors are not sure that health complaints are related to breast size that is too large, there are things that should be taken into consideration. Changes in structure may occur due to excessive burden on a person's chest. The age of women who increase with a heavy burden due to extra sized breasts risks putting pressure on the ribs, shoulder blades, and nerves in the chest area.

Breast cancer

Some people point out that breast size that is too large is more at risk of developing breast cancer. As this sounds not too convincing, the assumption is still uncertain.

A study did mention that there are genetic variations associated with breast size. There are also genetic variations associated with breast cancer. But the study did not show a link between extra breast size and the risk of getting cancer. Further research is needed for this. Because true breast cancer is a complex condition and is influenced by several factors.

Factors that associate someone with the risk of developing breast cancer are age, ethnicity, estrogen level, and a history of breast cancer in the family. In addition, other factors such as breastfeeding history, weight, lifestyle factors, and menopause can also have an impact.

To be sure, breasts that are too large can make it difficult for the owner when trying to detect a lump or tumor. This happens because large breasts have more tissue. The number of existing networks is increasingly difficult for breast owners to do early detection.

For owners of large breasts, it is important to visit the doctor regularly to undergo a clinical breast examination. If the owner of an extra size breast is 40 years and over, a mammogram is recommended.

Regarding the health conditions above, although it still requires further research, it can be used as a consideration for anyone who intends to enlarge the breasts, especially for extra size. Although breast implant procedures are considered safe, making extra-sized breasts may have an impact

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