
How to Get Clear Skin in a Week

Having bright skin is the dream of all women. However, this is very difficult to realize because of several factors, ranging from pollution, exposure to ultraviolet light, unhealthy lifestyles, to improper eating patterns.

Some women often do facial treatments using various chemical products. This can actually damage the skin. Preferably, choose natural treatments to get bright and smooth skin.

Reporting from Boldsky, Saturday (04/14/2018), here are five natural treatments that can make your skin bright instantly in just seven days.

1. Cream rice flour and milk

Having bright and smooth skin is not impossible if you use rice flour and milk treatments. This is because rice flour is anti-inflammatory and contains skin whitening ingredients. In addition, milk contains ingredients that can moisturize the skin.

To do this treatment, you can simply mix three tablespoons of rice flour with two to three tablespoons of milk to become like pasta. Then, apply the paste on the face and let stand for 20 to 30 minutes, and finally rinse with warm water. You can do the treatment three times a week to get maximum results.

2. Potato juice

Not only delicious when eaten, potatoes also have good benefits for the skin. The antioxidant content in potatoes can make the skin look brighter and eliminate dead cells. Only with a potato, you will have a bright, blushing face.

This treatment can be done by grating and squeezing potatoes to get the juice. After that, dip the cotton in the potato juice and apply it to the face. Then, let stand for 15 to 20 minutes, and finally rinse with plain water.

You can apply moisturizer after washing it, because the potato juice makes the skin dry. Perform this treatment three times a week to get bright and smooth skin.

3. Baking soda scrub

If you experience dull skin, it could be because of bacteria and dead skin cells that attach. Therefore, you can use baking soda to remove bacteria and dead skin cells, so the skin looks brighter and fresher.

To use it, you can simply dissolve two tablespoons of baking soda with enough water. After that, rub the baking soda mixture on your skin in a circular motion. Then, rinse the skin with plain water and apply moisturizer.

You can do it every day. However, this treatment is not recommended for those who have sensitive skin and easy to grow zits.

4. Cream oatmeal

Not only filling, oatmeal also has good benefits for the skin. Oatmeal contains ingredients that can remove dead skin cells. In addition, ingredients in oatmeal can make the skin look brighter and softer.

To use it, you only need to smooth the oatmeal and mix it with rose water. After that, apply to face and neck, then leave for 15 minutes, and finally rinse with plain water. You can do it twice a week to get maximum results.

5. Yogurt

This healthy drink is believed to make skin bright and smooth. Yogurt is a powerful ingredient for removing dirt on the face.

To do this treatment, you only need to mix two tablespoons of yogurt and one tablespoon of honey. After that, apply to the skin and leave for 20 minutes, then wash with cold water. To get maximum results, you can do it every day.

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