
Gallbladder Symptoms Women

Gallbladder are clumps of material or solid crystals that form in the gallbladder. The gallbladder functions to help the body digest fat by storing and releasing bile to the small intestine. The gallbladder is located under the liver and is shaped like a pear. Bile can also help eliminate cholesterol in the body.

Gallbladder are usually formed due to the blockage of your gallbladder or bile duct. Gallbladder can be composed of a mixture of certain compounds or cholesterol.

The size of gallstones is different in each person. Some people may have empedic stones that are just the size of a grain of sand, while others can be as big as a golf ball. Not only that, the number of stones formed can also vary, some only have one stone and there are also many. Gallstones are conditions that can cause pain and harmful effects on the body.

There are 2 types of gallbladder, including:

  • Cholesterol stone. The most common type of gallstones, often with cholesterol stones because of their yellowish color. Cholesterol stones contain a collection of indigestible cholesterol and several other compounds.
  • Pigment stone. Unlike cholesterol stones, this type of gallstone is dark brown and black because it contains excessive bilirubin.

How common is this disease?

Gallstones are a common disease. This condition usually occurs in older people, women, and people with excess weight (obesity).

Women are more likely to suffer from gallstones due to the influence of the hormone estrogen. In women, the female hormone estrogen can increase the amount of cholesterol in the bile and reduce the contraction of the gallbladder to empty the bile.

In many cases, gallstones are more common in Native Americans and Mexicans in America. Even so, there are several risk factors that might cause you to get this disease.

You can avoid this one disease by reducing the risk factors that exist. Please consult a doctor for more information.

What are the signs and symptoms of gallbladder?

Most cases of gallbladder do not show typical symptoms. However, the symptoms appear when the size of the gallbladder is large enough, so that it clogs the gallbladder ducts or other digestive tract.

In general the symptoms of gallstones can be:

  • Sudden and persistent pain in the right upper abdomen.
  • Sudden and persistent pain in the middle abdomen, below the breastbone.
  • Back pain between your shoulder bones.
  • Pain in the right shoulder.
  • Fever.
  • Defecate white or pale colored.
  • Nausea and vomiting.

Symptoms of pain due to this one disease can last for several minutes to hours. Usually the appearance of symptoms if you eat certain foods with high fat levels.

There may be signs and symptoms of gallstones not mentioned above. If you have concerns about a particular symptom, don't hesitate to consult with your doctor.

The doctor will do an examination to find out the cause and stabilize the diagnosis. That way, your doctor will find out the best treatment according to your condition.

When should I see a doctor?

You should contact your doctor if you experience the following symptoms:

  • Abdominal pain is intense and continuous so you cannot sit, or even do daily activities.
  • Yellow body or eyes.
  • High fever or chills.
  • Decreased appetite.

If you have the above signs or symptoms or other questions, immediately consult your doctor. Each person's body is different. Always consult a doctor to deal with your health condition.

What causes gallbladder?

Gallbladder are a condition that has no known cause, but doctors say there are several influential factors, including:

Your gallbladder contains excessive cholesterol

Usually, the gallbladder contains enough content to break down cholesterol released from the liver. But if the liver secretes more cholesterol than the gallbladder can break down, the cholesterol will crystallize and become a stone in the gallbladder.

Your bile contains excessive bilirubin

Bilirubin is the result of the breakdown of red blood cells. Some diseases cause the liver to produce more bilirubin. This disease is for example cirrhosis and biliary infection. Excessive bilirubin can cause gallstones.

The gallbladder cannot be completely empty

This makes the bile become more concentrated and hardens, forming gallstones.

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