Vulva Cancer Examination that Must Be Held
October 30, 2018
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The first step to doing vulvar cancer examination early is to recognize the symptoms and signs of vulvar cancer. After this can be seen then the examination of vulvar cancer can be done, what are those?
Symptoms and noteworthy signs include the appearance of bleeding from the vagina outside the normal menstrual cycle, injury to the vulva that does not heal, the presence of a mass on the vulva, changes in the color of the vulva skin become whiter or darker, the vulvar surface becomes coarser, appearance flavors such as burning and heat and itching in the vulva area, and pain when urinating.
These symptoms can be caused by other causes that are not malignancy, therefore early detection is very important to make a diagnosis. Here are some methods that a woman can do to detect the presence of vulvar cancer early.
A simple examination of vulvar cancer is one effective way to detect early presence of precancerous lesions that can lead to malignancy because it can be carried out by someone on a regular basis.
Every woman must check the vulva at least once a month. Vulvar cancer examination can be done using a mirror and looking for changes in skin color, texture, or irritation of the vulva. If a precancerous lesion is found, the patient can come to the health care provider.
This type of vulvar cancer examination is done to evaluate abnormalities in the vulva such as changes in skin color, texture, or irritation. Treatment of intraepithelial vulvar neoplasms found early is an act of prevention of invasive squamous vulvar cancer. Some types of vulvar melanoma can also be prevented by removing the lesions that appear.
On examination of this vulvar cancer, the vulva will be stained with a blue toluidine solution. This solution can cause abnormal vulva skin to turn blue, including vulvar intraepithelial neoplasms and vulvar cancer lesions turning white. This is done to facilitate the vulva seen through the colposcope.
When the abnormal tissue has been found, the patient is given local anesthesia and samples are taken with an existential biopsy. If a positive result is found in the screening process that you have vulvar cancer, what tests should be carried out to determine the stage of vulvar cancer? Staging can be done in the following ways:
Detailed physical examination by measuring the primary tumor, metastatic estimates of the mucosa, bone structure, and / or lymph nodes. This means the patient must go to the doctor or health center.
Pap test and colposcopy.
Radiography and endoscopy such as barium enema, proctosigmoidoscopy pyelography (IVP) for large primary tumors or metastatic suspects.
FNAB where metastasis is suspected.
Periodic blood checks, biochemical profiles, and chest / chest X-rays.
Women suspected of having vulvar cancer should carry out microscopic examinations which in medicine are commonly referred to as histo-PA (anatomical pathology) tests to determine the type of cancer cells so that more appropriate treatment can be given.
Examination of medical vulvar cancer is absolutely necessary, so that the right treatment can be done. This aims to prevent the occurrence of errors in handling vulvar cancer with other diseases. Given the symptoms of the disease can be similar, even though the disease is different.
Of course financially this vulvar cancer examination requires a lot of money to be spent, but this is comparable to the importance of your health. If you have vulvar cancer, the costs will be even greater. Don't give up You can face cancer!
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