
How to Take Care of Beautiful Nails

Having beautiful nails is the dream of almost every woman. For this reason, care is needed to keep the nails healthy, strong and shiny. Not only treatments at the salon, you can maintain your beautiful nails by doing natural treatments at home.

Well maintained nails will make you look beautiful. Beautiful and clean nails can also describe the cleanliness and condition of one's health. In addition, beautiful nails can also add confidence.

How to Take Care of Beautiful Nails

Hands are one part of the body that is most often exposed to various things during daily activities, from typing in front of a computer, holding money, to processing food in the kitchen. Therefore, it is very important to maintain hand hygiene, especially nails.

Below are some treatment techniques that can be used to treat your nails.

Limit salon care

Not infrequently, someone who wants to have beautiful nails do nail care at the salon. Besides being practical, the results look better than taking care of yourself at home. But you know, too often nail care at the salon is also not good for nail health.

Too often nail care at the salon will make the nails brittle because the nails are often exposed to harsh chemical elements while in the salon. In addition, there is a possibility of bacterial infection and nail fungus or the area around the nail becomes swollen.

Try to do your own nail care at home. However, if you still choose to do it in a salon, you should bring your own nail care equipment.

Do nail care at home

Take care of your nails by cutting them when the nails are long. Cutting your nails regularly will keep your nails healthy and look clean and beautiful. After cutting the nails, try to smooth the ends of the nails with a sting.

When doing nail care, do not forget to treat the cuticle by giving it moisturizer. But remember, don't overdo it in caring for it. Do not push or even peel the cuticles because they can damage and make the nails get infected.

Be careful when cleaning the inside of the nail, because it risks causing infection, especially when cleaning it with a long and pointed tool. Infection can occur if fungi or bacteria enter through the gap between the nail and nail pads.

Don't overuse acetone-based nail polish remover

Sometimes removing a nail can make it easier for us to shape the nail and make it look more beautiful. However, instead of getting beautiful nails, using a nail polish too often can actually make it damaged. Nails can experience small cracks to permanent cracks.

The use of acetone to clean nails can also make nails damaged. Acetone is found in the exfoliating liquid. A study found that brittle nails if cleaned using acetone will become more fragile.

Give natural care

To get beautiful nails, you can also try some traditional methods using natural ingredients. For example by soaking nails in warm salt water.

In addition, tea tree oil can also be a natural ingredient in treating your beautiful nails. This oil is believed to prevent and treat nail fungus. Mix a few drops of tea tree oil with coconut oil, then apply to the nails.

Treat beautiful nails from the inside

If you want to get beautiful and healthy nails, you also need to maintain nutritional intake and take vitamins that contain biotin. Biotin is a type of vitamin B complex. Research shows that biotin can make nails thicker, so they don't break and break easily. Examples of foods that contain biotin are wheat, spinach, milk, eggs, sweet potatoes, salmon and chicken.

Nail conditions can describe one's cleanliness and health. Take good care of your nails to always look clean and beautiful. However, to prevent infection or damage to the nail, be more careful in treating it.

If your nails are in trouble, or there are complaints related to nail problems, you should consult a dermatologist for further treatment.

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