
How Long Does Vulvar Cancer Take to Develop

The vulvar cancer staging system that is often used is FIGO (International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics). This determination system uses the TNM classification system. T - shows the presence or size of cancer. N - shows the spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes. M - stands for metastasis which means the spread of cancer to the other farthest organs.

In addition to the TNM system, doctors also use a number and letter system that is combined to determine the overall stage of the cancer. Usually the stage of cancer begins with I as the initial stage and ends with IV as the final stage.

The greater the value of the numbers, the level of malignancy of the cancer has become more severe and high risk. The following is a description of the features of stage 1 vulvar cancer, stage 2 vulvar cancer, stage 3 vulvar cancer, or stage 4 vulvar cancer that you need to know;


Actually this stage is called a pre-cancerous condition where the appearance of cancer is still mild, namely carcinoma in-situ. This type of cancer is not dangerous, but if left without treatment can trigger an attack of malignant cancer.


At this stage cancer cells are still mild with a variety of conditions. For example, cancer cells can only be in the vulva, part of the perineum, even both. The perineum is the part between the vulva and rectum. Cancer cells have not attacked the lymph nodes or other distant organs.

Other conditions show that the cancer has grown less than or as much as 2 centimeters (cm) below the vaginal layer with a depth of less than 1 millimeter (mm). Other conditions indicate that cancer has grown larger than 2 centimeters (cm) with a depth of more than 1 millimeter (mm).


At this stage cancer cells have been outside the vagina or perineum to the anus or urethra. The spread of cancer cells has not affected the lymph nodes or other distant organs.


At this stage cancer cells are already at a fairly serious level with various conditions. Cancer cells may already be present not only in the vagina, but also in the perineum. Cancer can already spread and attack the anus, even attacking the lymph nodes. The size of the cancer that has just spread may have reached 5 millimeters (mm). Even if it looks chronic, cancer cells have not attacked other distant organs.


At this stage cancer cells have been at the most serious level, cancer cells in the initial location could have grown large, some lymph node tissue had also been attacked by cancer. Not only that, the spread of cancer can already reach organs that are far from the vagina. Some complications of cancer with other diseases can also occur. Even if you are in this frightening stage 4, it doesn't mean you can't enjoy life.
Many experiences prove that some people with cancer can maintain the quality of their lives, even if in severe circumstances this disease can no longer be cured. Some experiences also show a painful recovery from cancer. As long as you struggle to maintain life, you will find the meaning of life even though the cancer attack haunts you.

Generally cancer cells take years to develop, but there are certain cancers that can develop quickly.

British researchers managed to solve the mystery of why a number of cancers can develop rapidly.

Dr. Peter Campbell of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute said many cases of cancer that took years or decades to develop. But there are also some cancer patients whose disease progresses more quickly.

According to Campbell, in a number of cases, a single explosion inside the cell could cause a lot of DNA damage. The findings from this contradict the old theory which reveals that cancer is a consequence of the formation of hundreds or thousands of gene mutations.

This helps explain why some people can be diagnosed with cancer, even though a few months earlier no signs of disease were found in X-rays or other tests.

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