How do You Lower Your Cholesterol Without Medication
October 23, 2018
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As already known cholesterol is one type of disease that can even lead to other serious and dangerous diseases. Cholesterol is a metabolite containing sterol fat found in cell membranes and circulated in blood plasma.
Currently high cholesterol is not only found in older people, it turns out that children can also have high cholesterol levels. This is caused by food intake that is not maintained. Especially fatty foods. The more fatty foods that enter the body, the more fat will accumulate, which will increase the cholesterol level in your body. Examples of fatty foods are: fried foods, mutton, milk, and many more.
If LDL cholesterol levels are high, it will cause blockages in the bloodstream. Surely fat deposits
evil will interfere with the supply of food to the heart. This will trigger heart disease and stroke. High cholesterol levels are often associated with people who are large or have obesity, but apparently even thin people can have high cholesterol if they do not maintain the intake of food that enters the body properly.
If you currently have high cholesterol levels then you should start maintaining and regulating the food that enters your body. Begin to change your lifestyle and apply a healthy lifestyle. Here below is a way to reduce natural cholesterol that you can use to avoid consuming
chemical medicines.
How to lower cholesterol naturally include:
1. Eat oatmeal
Oatmeal contains lots of fiber which can inhibit the absorption of LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol. Start making oatmeal breakfast every morning as a habit to reduce your body's cholesterol levels.
2. Sports
The use of exercise is not just to lose weight. Research has proven that with
regular exercise then good cholesterol levels in the body will increase. You don't have to do sports that burden the body. But enough to do light exercise such as healthy walking, jogging, cycling and swimming. Do it regularly so that good cholesterol levels in the body increase and kill bad cholesterol.
3. Avoid high-fat foods and choose healthy foods
It is difficult to regulate the entry of healthy foods that enter the body, especially if you really like to eat. However, consuming healthy food is mandatory and required. Because if you only choose to consume unhealthy foods like fast food, junk food, and so on. Indirectly you will continue to increase levels of bad cholesterol into the body.
4. Eat broccoli diligently
Vegetables Broccoli contains high fiber, which is useful for lowering bad cholesterol in the body. Broccoli will help the body's natural detoxification process. With so many diseases in the body will be immediately eradicated.
Eat broccoli regularly on various menus
How to process it by boiling and avoid using oil to consume broccoli.
5. Consume whole grains
High nutrition in whole grains can increase the ability of cells in the body to develop properly which will be useful to prevent the effects of free radicals from outside or inside the body. Whole grains are very important for health because they are able to provide various kinds of nutrients such as protein, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese, selenium and vitamin B.
6. Eating rice bran
What is bran? Bran is the second remaining rice mill. When the rice is ground, the rice husk will be separated from the skin. Well bran is the one that has the benefits of lowering bad cholesterol in the body.
The role to reduce cholesterol in bran is the tootrienol. Tokotrienol functions for
inhibit the work of enzymes that can accumulate cholesterol in the body. Bran is also a good source of dietary fiber to facilitate digestion. The ability of dietary fiber is to bind bile acids which will come out together with feces.
There are 2 ways to consume rice bran, the first way is:
Steam the bran for 30 minutes
Then dry and consume
The second way is:
Roast rice bran without oil for 10 minutes.
Rice bran is ready for consumption
7. Mangosteen skin
In addition to the edible fruit, mangosteen peel also has many benefits that are beneficial to health
body. In the mangosteen peel there are xanthones which are active ingredients that function as anti-
cancer and anti-oxidants, which are far stronger when compared to vitamins C and E. You can choose to consume mangosteen peel extract that is sold in the community or by blending mangosteen peel and then drinking it directly.
8. Drink red guava juice
Red guava fruit contains many substances and minerals that are very beneficial for your body. Namely: anti-oxidants, fitonutrein, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B3, vitamin B6, potassium, and many more. That's why you should start drinking red guava juice regularly.
9. Drink grape juice
Common anti-oxidant properties include: piceatannol and resveratrol, producing phytonutrients in grapes that have been widely proven to be anti-microbial substances. Grapes themselves contain flavonoids that function as anti-oxidants. Drink grape juice at least once a day regularly to reduce levels
bad cholesterol in the body.
10. Drink lime juice every morning and night
Lime fruit contains many flavonoids. These flavonoids function as strong antioxidants. For anti-oxidants to help protect the body from the danger of free radicals, especially unstable molecules that can
damage healthy cells in the body.
Drink lime juice mixed with a glass of warm water. Do it in the morning when you wake up and at night before going to bed. Drink regularly so that the bad cholesterol levels immediately decrease. Remember, to do ways to reduce high cholesterol naturally above regularly. So that the results are maximum and satisfying. May be useful.
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