
Entering the Third Trimester, Pregnant Women Need to Pay Attention to These 4 Changes

Pregnant women in the third trimester must be more careful to pay attention to many things to make sure their babies stay healthy and safe until the time of birth. But undeniably, all the hassles of preparing for labor make us often forget to check the condition of the body itself. As a reminder, read on this article so you know about what matters need to be of particular concern in your last trimester.

 Pregnant women in the third trimester need to pay more attention ...

1. Movement of the fetus

Fetal movements in the womb should be more active nearing the time of delivery. This is because it will change position, from being curled up with the head above to slump down to the mother's pelvic area to prepare for birth.

During this displacement, the baby will also stretch his arms and legs, causing enough movement to startle you. Therefore, what needs to be a mother's attention is fetal movement.

Are the movements as much as usual, reduced, or not moving at all? If you feel the baby's movements are weak, try eating something and then lie sideways to the left. This method stimulates the fetus to move through food intake from the mother.

If the fetus does not move at least 10 times in the next two hours, immediately contact a doctor to find out the cause.

2. Sleeping position

3rd trimester You should not sleep on your back. In addition to being less comfortable, the supine position will inhibit blood flow to the baby through the placenta.

Citing American Pregnancy, pregnant women are advised to lie sideways to the left side because the uterus will naturally turn to the right throughout pregnancy.

Lying sideways to the left brings the baby to the center of the stomach. This will increase blood flow as well as nutrient intake through the placenta.

To be more comfortable, you can slip a pillow between the legs to help support the body.

3. Work done

When you enter the third trimester of pregnancy, you may wonder, when do you have to stop working and do you harm the fetus?

Actually, as long as you do your work normally without forcing your energy and still paying attention to your nutrition intake for your child, working is not an obstacle.

Another story if you work in an environment that has poor air circulation with exposure to volatile harmful fumes or lead-based paint. If so, you need to consult your obstetrician and tell your work conditions.

However, some problems during pregnancy such as the risk of preterm labor, weakness of the uterus (cervical incompetence), placenta previa, and preeclampsia require more rest during pregnancy. Your doctor will probably recommend that you take maternity leave immediately.

4. Travel far

Traveling far away when pregnant in trimester 3 is quite risky. The reason is, there are several health risks that lurk like blood clots due to sitting too long, exposure to infection, and various complications of pregnancy.

If conditions require you to go, then avoid driving. Doctors usually still allow you to board a plane until about 32-34 weeks of pregnancy, unless you are at high risk for premature delivery.

Don't forget to bring medical records about your pregnancy history in case you need it at any time.

In addition, try to move from your seat and walk at least every one or two hours. Try to keep eating clean and well-cooked foods to prevent exposure to infections from bacteria that can endanger pregnancy.

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