
9 Earliest Possible Signs of Pregnancy Symptoms

Signs of pregnancy are the most awaited moment for a woman who wants her to have a dreaming family.

Signs of pregnancy indicate that the presence of a baby in their family is waiting for time. The family feels more complete with the presence of the anticipated baby.

Sometimes, the husband and wife do not know correctly about the signs of pregnancy. They are sometimes confused about which actual pregnancy symptoms with signs of menstruation will come.

There are also many cases that the characteristics of a pregnant person are usually similar to the signs of menstruation. Ignorance of this matter also led to several cases of miscarriage.

Miscarriage is caused by an activity or consumption of food that should not be done by a pregnant person, even though he actually has a pregnancy. Ignorance of the signs of pregnancy also results in careful preparation for pregnancy to be ignored.

On the contrary, many cases of families were stressed due to experiencing signs of pregnancy, apparently after several tests the results were negative. The shadow and dream of the pregnancy that they are waiting for is finally gone.

9 Signs of Early Pregnancy

Many women judge that the signs of pregnancy only look from one side, namely the late arrival of menstruation. It is true, one of the signs of this pregnancy is the delay in menstruation.

Keep in mind, too late this period is not only caused by pregnancy. There are many things that influence it, such as diet, stress, being too tired, hormonal disorders, and so on.

In addition to the delay in menstruation, also pay attention to other signs of pregnancy, namely:

1. Changes occur in the breast

If pregnancy occurs, the breasts will enlarge, this is due to the increased production of estrogen and progesterone hormones. In addition, the condition of the breast will also feel softer, this causes a higher sense of sensitivity, until the breast will feel pain or pain when held.

Signs of pregnancy are indicated by enlarged nipples and the color will get darker, sometimes itchy. Veins in the breast will also be seen due to breast tension.

In addition, there is activity of the hormone HPL (Human Placental Lactogen) in pregnant people. These hormones are produced by the body when the mother experiences pregnancy to prepare breast milk for the baby when born into the world.

2. Spots appear followed by abdominal cramps

These blood spots appear before the coming period, usually occurs between 8-10 days after ovulation. Blood spots as a sign of pregnancy are caused by implantation (implantation bleeding) or the attachment of an embryo to the uterine wall. The appearance of blood spots during pregnancy is sometimes mistaken for menstruation.

In addition, the discharge of blood spots is usually followed by abdominal cramps. Abdominal cramps as a characteristic of pregnant people will occur regularly. This abdominal cramping condition will continue until the second trimester of pregnancy, until the position of the uterus is in the center and supported by the pelvis.

3. Nausea and vomiting (Morning sickness)

About 50% of pregnant people will have these signs of pregnancy. The trigger is a sudden increase in hormones in the bloodstream. The hormone is HCG (Human chorionic Gonadotrophin). In addition to blood, this increase in hormones also occurs in the urinary tract.

Therefore, pregnancy test pack devices use urine media. This is done to measure the increase in HCG hormone levels. This increase in hormones will cause a painful effect on the lining of the stomach and cause nausea.

Nausea as a sign of pregnancy will usually disappear into the second trimester of pregnancy. If nausea and vomiting still occur in the second trimester of pregnancy, you should consult and consult a doctor because it will interfere with pregnancy.

Nausea and vomiting is called morning sickness because it usually occurs in the morning. In reality, nausea and vomiting can occur during the day and night. In fact, morning sickness occurs only when pregnant people smell certain scents or fragrances.

4. Frequent urination / urination (Frequent urination)

After menstruation is one to two weeks late, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent than the habit. This is because the fetus that grows in the uterus suppresses the bladder and is due to an increase in blood circulation.

In addition, the bladder is more quickly filled with urine and the desire to urinate becomes more frequent. Increased urination is also caused by an increase in pregnancy hormones.

Although urinating frequently, don't limit it or hold it. In addition, avoid dehydration by increasing fluid intake into the body. Are you also experiencing signs of pregnancy?

Also Read: Often Sick When Urinating, Are Pregnant Signs?

5. Dizziness and headaches

The next signs of pregnancy are frequent dizziness and headaches. Dizziness and headaches that are often felt by pregnant women are caused by physical factors, namely: fatigue, nausea, hunger and blood pressure, low.

Furthermore, emotional causes are feelings of tension and depression. In addition, increased blood supply to the entire body can also cause dizziness when the mother changes position.

6. Excessive tiredness and sleepiness (Fatigue)

Fatigue and sleepiness in pregnant women are caused by hormonal changes, also due to the performance of several vital organs such as the kidneys, heart and lungs, increasing.

These vital organs not only work to meet the needs of the mother, but also for the growth and development of the fetus. The mother's abdomen, which is getting bigger as pregnancy progresses, also puts her own burden on the mother's body.

7. Constipation

Believe it or not, constipation is included in signs of pregnancy. Constipation results from an increase in the hormone progesterone.

This hormone in addition to relaxing the muscles of the uterus, also affects the muscles of the intestinal wall, causing constipation or constipation. The advantage of this condition is that it allows better absorption of nutrients during pregnancy.

8. Frequent spitting (hypersalivation)

Signs of pregnancy occur due to the influence of estrogen changes, usually occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnancy signs like this usually disappear after pregnancy enters the second trimester, so that pregnant people will not do it again.

9. Increased basal body temperature

If pregnancy or ovulation occurs, then the basal body temperature of pregnant women will increase. This condition will last during pregnancy. This condition will not go down to the condition before ovulation.

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