
How to Take Care of Face Skin

Caring for the face with natural ingredients to be beautiful and smooth needs to be done extra by choosing quality materials and harmless.
Especially if your skin type is sensitive skin, then you need to be more careful in choosing various cosmetic products. Starting from moisturizer, anti-aging cream, serum, exfoliator, until facial cleanser (facial foam).
Facial skin is different from our body skin is more rough and stronger. Conversely, facial skin is more delicate and sensitive.

Therefore, when washing your face, you should treat it like a soft, vulnerable silk cloth. Rub your face using a clean hand gently in a circular motion, avoid roughly rubbing and avoid using facial cleansers such as rough face soap or fragrance.

Giving too much pressure or scrubbing too roughly can cause capillaries of damaged facial skin, causing the skin to stretch, and can cause skin reddish color. Gradually, facial skin will easily experience signs of aging such as fine wrinkles, dry, and saggy.

Caring for the face with natural ingredients to be beautiful and smooth

If you want to look beautiful with white, smooth, clean, and healthy, you must provide maximum facial care. It does not always have to be expensive, you can do it by using cheap, easy-to-find natural ingredients around the house.

Perform maximum cleansing for the first step to keep the skin healthy

No matter what cosmetic product you use for your face, as soon as it is done, you are required to thoroughly clean it down to the deepest pores. To open the pores, start to wash your face with warm water, and avoid using water that is too hot because it can cause dry skin and acne.

Natural cleansers that you can rely on are cold milk that can be applied with cotton balls. This natural cleanser should be applied 2-3 times a day to avoid drying the skin, especially if you often work in air-conditioned room.

Utilize scrubs to peel away dead skin cells causing dull skin and acne

Dead skin cells that do not lift perfectly through the process of washing the face, can cause various skin problems, ranging from acne, oily skin, face looks dull, to cause acne.

Once a month or twice a month, use a scrub to help lift dead skin cells to be replaced by fresh and fresh cells. This will make the skin smoother, whiter, shiny, fresh, and youthful.

In particular, removing dead skin cells can help whiten the face because skin cells that are easy and new tend to make the face look more radiant and brighter. If you want to know the method to whiten face naturally, you can see my other articles How to Whiten Faces Naturally and Quickly.

Avoid doing scrubbing every day because it can cause abrasion and cause skin to dry. Use a lightweight exfoliator from your favorite cosmetic product. Or you can choose some natural exfoliator such as:

Yogurt containing lactic acid and alpha hydroxy acid. The content is usually found in skin care products. It's just that contained in the yogurt tends to be lighter and more subtle. If using yogurt, after rubbing it gently and smoothly, let stand about 20 minutes then cleaned and rinsed.

Sugar can also be used as a natural exfoliator because it contains glycolic acid and Alpha hydroxy which is very useful to improve the skin's ability to produce new cells. Thus, the skin will become softer and smoother.

How to use it, provide half a cup of sugar, then add olive oil or grape seed oil to taste. Then stir until the mixture forms a paste. After that, apply on facial skin while massage-massage with circular motion. Let stand for about 10 minutes before cleaning and washed with warm water.

Papaya is a natural exfoliator choice for other facial skin that is very powerful to peel away dead skin cells, overcome fine lines, and disguise black spots and scars.

The most powerful papain content is found in young papaya. Try picking green papaya. Then destroy the fruit after peeled until it feels smooth and soft, then spread all over the face. After that, let stand for 15 minutes before rinsed and washed with warm water.

Mature banana can also be used as a facial scrub. How,
Take one ripe banana then mash until smooth. Take about two tbsp
Pound also apples then take about 2 tbsp
Mix the ingredients and add 1 teaspoon honey
Gently rub the natural scrub you make over the entire face for about 2 minutes in a circular motion. Afterwards wash with warm water and dry with a soft towel

Apply toning to tighten skin

How to treat the face naturally to be healthy and beautiful next is to utilize toning. If your facial skin feels saggy and large-pore, you can try using a light toner that fits the skin type and is free of harmful chemicals. Avoid using toner hard because it can disturb the balance of skin PH.

Toner is very useful to clean the dirt perfectly after washing the face. Toner is very useful to tighten the skin as well as moisturize so that the face will not easily wrinkled, the pores will shrink, and the skin will feel tighter.

Apply moisturizer to avoid dry and scaly skin

If you want to use natural ingredients, you can use almond oil or olive oil (extra / virgin) which can be useful as a moisturizer. Apply it by giving gentle massages to the entire facial skin and let stand until the skin absorbs the oil.

Drinking water in sufficient quantities

For skin health, we must consume water between 1.5-2 liters per day. The benefit is to keep skin moist, firm, and supple.

Protect your skin from sun exposure

Sunlight contains ultraviolet light. The most dangerous exposure to sunlight takes place between 10 am and 3 pm. At that time, you must protect the skin by using sunscreen containing SPF 30 or more. Apply at least 20 minutes before exiting the room.

Those are some ways to treat your face with natural ingredients to look beautiful and smooth that you can try yourself at home. Some ingredients used such as baking soda, should be utilized wisely. For sensitive skin owners, you must first test before applying thoroughly on facial skin. For example by applying it in the hidden parts as in the back of the ear. If there is no reaction whatsoever, chances are your skin can handle it.

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